Welcome to our Blog!
Posts by category
- Category: Balloon
- No COSI 2021 Flight
- COSI 2021
- 2020 Wanaka Balloon Campaign Canceled
- Integration
- We’re in Wanaka!
- Wanaka, here we come!
- CSBF Updates!
- COSI 2020 Hits the Road: Driving the cryostat from Berkeley to CSBF
- COSI 2020
- Launch Day!
- Ashraf’s
- COSI Launch Attempt #3!
- COSI Launch Attempt #2!
- Launch Attempt Tomorrow!
- COSI Flight Operations
- Talking to COSI
- Why hasn’t COSI launched yet?
- Wine Tasting
- First Launch Attempt!
- First Launch Attempt Tomorrow!
- COSI is Flight Ready!
- Warbirds of Wanaka and COSI Calibrations
- NASA Super Pressure Balloon Blog
- Cryostat Integration
- Shipping Trouble
- Sunday Funday
- First week in Wanaka
- First day in Wanaka
- COSI 2016!
- COSI’14 Recovery (long overdue)
- COSI Termination
- COSI’14 Launch! (Fifth launch attempt)
- It’s a harsh continent
- Fourth (real) launch attempt
- Second Launch Attempt
- 6th time’s the charm!
- Penguin Sighting
- Fun in McMurdo
- First Launch Attempt
- A Typical Day
- The Crud
- Our first few days at LDB
- We’ve arrived and it’s gorgeous!!
- Two days in New Zealand
- The Beginning…
- Category: COSI 2020
- Category: COSI 2021
- Category: COSI'14
- COSI’14 Recovery (long overdue)
- COSI Termination
- COSI’14 Launch! (Fifth launch attempt)
- It’s a harsh continent
- Fourth (real) launch attempt
- Second Launch Attempt
- 6th time’s the charm!
- Penguin Sighting
- Fun in McMurdo
- First Launch Attempt
- A Typical Day
- The Crud
- Our first few days at LDB
- We’ve arrived and it’s gorgeous!!
- Two days in New Zealand
- Category: Antarctica Life
- Category: COSI'14 Launch Attempts
- Category: COSI'16
- Launch Day!
- Ashraf’s
- COSI Launch Attempt #3!
- COSI Launch Attempt #2!
- Launch Attempt Tomorrow!
- COSI Flight Operations
- Talking to COSI
- Why hasn’t COSI launched yet?
- Wine Tasting
- First Launch Attempt!
- First Launch Attempt Tomorrow!
- COSI is Flight Ready!
- Warbirds of Wanaka and COSI Calibrations
- NASA Super Pressure Balloon Blog
- Cryostat Integration
- Shipping Trouble
- Sunday Funday
- First week in Wanaka
- First day in Wanaka
- COSI 2016!
- Two days in New Zealand
- Category: COSI'16 Launch Attempts
- Category: New Zealand Life
- Category: In the lab
- Category: The Beginning
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Balloon