The COSI balloon team is based at the Space Sciences Laboratory, at the University of California, Berkeley, but consists of a collaboration consisting of multiple academic institutions, research laboratories, and a NASA center. Browse our directory below, or see the links at the bottom of the page to COSI’s affiliated institutions.

Balloon Team Members

Prof. Steven Boggs – Principal Investigator (COSI-APRA)
UC San Diego – Dean of Physical Sciences
B.S. University of Illinois, Urbana
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
seboggs at ucsd dot edu

Dr. John Tomsick – Principal Investigator (COSI-SMEX)
UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Lab
B.S. University of California, San Diego
Ph.D. Columbia University
jtomsick at berkeley dot edu

Dr. Andreas Zoglauerb95f9c8d-db8d-4354-b1f8-a551867e06cc – Research Scientist
UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Lab
M.S. Technical University of Munich
Ph.D. Technical University of Munich
zoglauer at berkeley dot edu

Dr. Terri Brandt – Currently Head of Astrophysics@SRON
Netherlands Institute for Space Research (formerly GSFC)
B.A. Vassar College
Ph.D. The Ohio State University
T.J.Brandt at sron dot nl

Dr. Thomas Siegert – Currently faculty @ Wuerzburg
University of Wuerzburg (formerly UC San Diego)
M.S. Technical University of Munich
Ph.D. Technical University of Munich
thomas.siegert at uni-wuerzburg dot de
Publications      Twitter 

Dr. Jarred Roberts – Project Scientist
UC San Diego
B.S. University of California, Riverside
Ph.D. University of Hawaii at Manoa
jmroberts at physics dot ucsd dot edu

Dr. Alex Lowell – Aerospace Engineer
UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Lab
B.S. University of California, Santa Cruz
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
alowell at ssl dot berkeley dot edu

Dr. Carolyn Kierans
Goddard Space Flight Center
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
B.S. Simon Frasier University
M.S. University of Toronto
carolyn.a.kierans at nasa dot gov

Dr. Clio Sleator
Naval Research Lab
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
B.A. Columbia University

Hadar Lazar
UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory
B.A. University of Chicago


Jacqueline Beechert
UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory
B.S. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Nick Pellegrini
UC Berkeley/Space Sciences Laboratory
B.A. University of California, Berkeley


Steve McBride – Systems (Old Geezer) Engineer
Space Sciences Laboratory
mcbride at ssl dot berkeley dot edu



Brent Mochizuki – Computer Engineer
Space Sciences Laboratory
brentm at ssl dot berkeley dot edu

Dr. Cheng-Lun (Alan) Chiu
National Tsing Hua University
Ph.D. National Tsing Hua University

abbyChien-Ying “Abby” Yang
National Tsing Hua University
M.S. National Tsing Hua University


49a22295-2372-49ac-bdab-d65b6b476143Che-Yen “Jimmy” Chu
National Tsing Hua University
M.S. National Tsing Hua University